Tuesday, 30 June 2015


What is commercialisation?

the act of commercializing something which then involves something in commerce.

  • "the government tried to accelerate the commercialisation of this development"
  • "both companies will retain control over the commercialization of their own products"
  • "It is a pity that Christmas has become so commercialised"
  • 'The commercialisation of football has turned it from a sport into a business"

How does the process work?

1) A potential industry/company send a letter of their intentions and the background of their company/institution to the commercialisation office for authorisation.

A researcher will identify a potential industry for successful business and then link them to the commercialisation office.

2) The innovations and commercialisation office will evaluate how much potential the industry has of becoming successful and decide whether or not they go ahead with the scope of application.

3) The innovations and commercialisation office then organise a meeting between everyone involved.

4) They then will prepare non disclosure agreement's (a legal contract between at least two parties that covers confidential information that the parties wish to share between one another for individual purposes, however restrict access to or by third parties).

5) Both parties within the agreement will make a commercialisation agreement with terms and conditions.

6) A progress report will be submitted to the company that have succeeded by the innovations and commercialisation office.

7) Finally, all payments will be payed such as royalties, loyalty fees, etc.

Friday, 12 June 2015


What is an advertisement?

An advertisement is a notice or announcement which is produced in a public medium which then promotes/publicizes anything from a product to an event or even a job vacancy.

Advertising in Media:
  • Newspapers and Magazines make advertisements in their free space in return of money/profit.
  • Radio and Television advertise in their free air time in return of money/profit.
  • Online advertisers promote themselves with banners/pop ups for their products etc.
  • In Store advertisements appear next to the product to draw in customers.
As shown on the image on the left, internet/social media is the biggest impact on the advertising industry on today's market being a mass of 72.4% of industries use it for advertisement. However, the most least common type of advertisements nowadays is by the free space in magazines/newspapers due to the industry beginning to go down hill of paper based information as web 2.0 is beginning to take over as it is much faster and easier to get information from. TV is shown to be only used by 4% however, personally i think that TV is one of the most biggest influences on customers as an advertisement on is usually catchy and easy to remember as well as highly persuasive therefore i think that TV is quite an important part to the advertisement industry.

Examples of popular advertisements:

  •  Coca Cola Advertisement for christmas is well known for the Santa drinking out of a coke bottle.

  • John Lewis is also well known for their christmas advertisements as their is a message behind each one, therefore makes their audience become connected within it and want to wait and get excited for the next one.